Wednesday, 30 April 2008

April 29th, 08

Yesterday, Mr. Litman talked about our presentations. After every presentation he reviewed the power point with us to learn from our mistakes. We realized of grammatical and spelling mistakes and methodological mistakes that we usually make.

He showed us a short video called “Life”. In this video we can see a small guy coming down through some stairs and sits down on a chair. In front of him there’s a table with a phone on it. This phone has 6 numbers only. The guy press number 1 and we can see something like “the election of a planet from a galaxy”. Then press number 2, and the planet receives a zoom in. Number 3 shows us nature, number 4 animals, numbers 5 people and number 6 buildings, cities. All of these things appeared on the planet but this guy realizes that there’s more. With a pair of binoculars he can see people fighting each other, violence, crimes, desperation and chaos. On the phone we can see the option of deleting, so this guy presses the delete button and the planet is deleted. This is a consequence of what he did.

He realizes that the construction of a planet always ends in the same way. He might wonder why violence and crime is always a consequence of civilization. He doesn’t know that is part of life. This is how we live today; in a world with no peace. That was many years ago. Now everybody gets corrupted easily. Violence and crime are right around the corner and to change that we are going to need so many years of education and evolution. Maybe. I think we haven’t evolved yet.

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