Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Issues on Education

August 5th, 2008

This class, Mr Litman talked us about some important issues related to the education of Chile these days. One of them was the jar of water thrown to the minister of education by a student; María Música is her name. Related to this, we talked about the values that parents should give to their children from their childhood. It is important to be polite and have some respect for the older people and the ones in authority. Obviously, Maria Música didn't respect any of this. The Parental responsability is very important in case like this.

We also talked about the school violence these days and the problems that are relating teachers. One of these problems is the one related with violence against teachers. Is not a new situation but it appears in newspapers' headlines once in a while.

Mr Litman also talked us about the Internalizer and the Externalizer. The Internalizer is the one that is affected by his/her inside factors and the Externalizer the one that is affected by the outside factors.

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