Monday, 8 September 2008

Learning to learn

That same class that we talked about issues on education we also were assigned to do a little research about "Learning to learn".

Learning is a very personal matter. There isn't one study/learning skill or strategy that works for every person in every situation. Therefore, learning to learn strategies are about learning what you know, learning what you don't know, and learning what to do about it.

Your path for most effective learning:

1- Know Yourself
2- Manage Your Time and Life
3- Improve Your Concentration
4- Know What Study Means & How To Do It
5- Develop A Thinker's Vocabulary
6- Become An Active Reader
7- Become An Active Writer
8- Build Listening & Note taking Skills
9- Know How To Study For & Take Exams
10- Master Every Course

The idea is to develop better learning strategies that work for you. You decide how to study and when to study. These are just recommendations for a better learning.

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