This class Katherinne, Pedro and Fabian presented their topic and debate about Cuban Education.
Some important facts:
- Cuba maintains the highest rate of literacy in Latin America.
- If they graduate from the preparatory college school, they can attend college for free if they choose.
- The record of Cuban education is outstanding: universal school enrollment and attendance; nearly universal adult literacy.
And they have:
- Great attention to teachers (extensive pre- and in-service training, high status and morale, incentives, transparent system of accountability, strategies for developing a culture of professionalism, rewards for innovation)
- Low-cost instructional materials of high quality
Is it possible to apply this kind of educational system in our country, considering the differences between both cuban and chilean society?
The class was separated into 'for' group and 'against' group. We discussed the possibilities of having a cuban educational system in Chile but the main conclusions were that we are not ready for it because of money and resources for education that our government gives (very low) and the lack of importance in teachers and educational employees in general regarding wages mostly.
They made a great job i think. The topic was very interesting and we all had something to say.