Monday, 8 September 2008

British Educational System. 'Public Schools'

August 12th, 2008

This class Evelyn, María Teresa and Rodrigo presented their debate about Public schools in Britain. They started explaining the vocabulary that we were going to see and then they started their presentation.

A public school in Britain is usually a prestigious and historic school, which charges fees (amount of money), doesn't not arbitrarily restrict admissions, and is financed by bodies (groups of people) other than the state, commonly as a private charitable trust. (organization or group that has control over money used to help)

It is traditionally a single-sex boarding school for children between 11 or 13 and 18.

Schools where instruction is provided free of charge are called 'state schools'.

The debate question was whether we preferred public schools or state schools in Chile. Our arguments were very valid 'against' and 'for' and this group made a good job controlling the debate, besides giving valuable information about this topic.

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