Sunday, 23 November 2008

Estatuto docente: Una tragedia peor que el transantiago

October 14th, 08

The second topic which we had to make a research for was the "Estatuto Docente". Mario Waissbluth, a teacher from Universidad de Chile, wrote an article for the magazine "Qué Pasa" on August 23rd, 08. He talked about the dramatic situation that our education is going through. He revealed some ideas that were floating in the air but nobody really saw.

He made a lot of studies, researches and statistics. He interviewed education experterts, directors of schools, teachers and students with the idea of getting a picture of the quality of education in Chile. At the end the conclusions were not good at all.
He made some comparisons with private universities and public universities.

At the end the situation he described showed that the students of pedagogy get into the university with a lack of knowledge in certain aspects -that can be proved with the scores that a student gets in PSU- and come out of the university after some years with the same limitations.

I think that this problem will be restricting us as teachers for a long time. The quality of education in this country is not so good and we are moving too slow if we want to change this situation. I think that solving this problem will required not some, but many years.

Here's the complete article

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