Saturday, 22 November 2008

My presentation about if anyone could be a teacher.

September 2nd, 08

This day, Fernanda, Felipe and I presented our debate. First, we talked about two different realities where teachers are highly rewarded in terms of prestige and income; Finland and South Korea. Then, we talked about the reality in Chile, where we only have "Red de Maestros de maestros" to support teachers' training program. We (teachers) don't have enough resources for education and we don't get a high wage. In Chile there are some teachers that don't neccessarily required a degree in pedagogy to teach, they only required some knowledge in the specific area such as maths. Is a shame but in Chile anyone could teach, but to be a teacher you need passion and devotion for teaching, otherwise you would be teaching for obligation and you won't teach well.

Anyway, our presentation turned out to work well. My classmates participate in the debate and we did all right. There were some mistakes in the power point but i don't care really; those are just silly mistakes we didn't notice at time.

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